Digital Photography in Dental Practice

Online practice training.

NEW Practice training online, the most effective way of getting your practice up to speed with consistent images every time, see below.

Limited to 6 team members, 2 surgeries for practical hour. 10 team members for first hour lecture.

Contact for further details and to arrange a session.

Get your photography on track with these easy straightforward practical sessions, covering equipment, settings and techniques.

“My team here at Crickhowell Dental Practice have just completed an afternoon of dental photography training with Mike. I first heard Mike lecture on the subject 16 years ago so I knew he was the expert I needed to contact when I wanted to train my dental nurses to take excellent intra-oral photographs. The session was done online and Mike had recommended what kit I needed to purchase ahead of the session. He also customised the learning to accommodate the features of one of my older DSLR cameras as well as a newer one. After the lecture we then spent the afternoon taking phots and I was thoroughly impresses with how quickly and how brilliant my nurses were at taking photos having never done it before!

I can thoroughly recommend Mike’s online dental photography training. It was thorough, convenient and enjoyable”

James Jenkins BDS MSc MFDS RCPS

Crickhowell Dental Practice

Cost at £175 per hour
2 – 3 hour options, on separate dates if required
Monday to Saturday


– Outline of use of photography in dental practice.

– Camera set up and techniques.

– Questions.


– All staff practice selected views

– Feedback and troubleshooting live during hour


(if required, on a separate day)

– Any camera issues
– Specific help with technique and settings

Dedicated email and phone support for 3 months
